MacWorld 1999 July
Macworld (1999-07).dmg
Shareware World
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Mops 3.4.sea
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339 lines
\ =================================
\ Shared libraries
\ =================================
LIBCALL myCall { parm1 parm2 %fparm1 -- res1 }
The old syntax (Mops 3.2) will still be supported for a while:
1 1 1 1 3 extern myLib myCall
or for a floating routine:
1 kFloat or 1 kFloat or 1 kFloat or 2 extern myOtherLib myFloatGizmo
defined as:
EXTERN <lib_name> <call_name>
( #result_cells #parm1_cells ... #parmN_cells N -- )
bl word
count 1+ #align4 ++> CDP
: LIBRARY { \ svCaseFlg sv-in addr len ^len-byte name_len -- }
>in @ -> sv-in \ so we can read the name again case-sensitively
\ if we've already defined it as a library, and it's currently
\ FINDable, we don't need to define it again here.
IF 2- w@ $ BF0B = ?EXIT
sv-in >in ! \ get name again for header
header $ BF0B0000 code, \ $BF0B = handler code for LIBRARY,
\ plus alignment
DP 0 , \ put 0 in data area - means no connID yet
relocCode, \ and reloc pointer to there in code area
sv-in >in ! \ now we have to get the name again, case-sensitively
add_case_sensitive_name \ this time, and just add it to the code area. We'll
\ use this when we connect to the library.
\ EXTERN <lib_name> <call_name>
\ ( #result_cells #parm1_cells ... #parmN_cells N -- )
\ Some of this is a bit like MAC_EXTERN above, and some a bit
\ like SYSCALL, but then it's a bit different too, so I won't
\ try to factor bits out - it's trickier than it looks.
: EXTERN ( result-info parm-info #parms )
{ \ #parms #parm_cells #res_cells #fparms #fres mask ^lib ^info sv_in -- }
-> #parms
0 -> #parm_cells 0 -> #fparms 0 -> #fres 0 -> mask
0 -> #res_cells
#parms FOR
(* #cells in next parm. If the hi byte is set, that means
it's floating point - in that case we count up the number of
floating parms (these have to be put in the FPRs for the call),
and set the corresponding mask bit so that the corresponding
GPRs will get a dummy value. This calling convention is a bit
crazy, but we're stuck with it. Remember as the numbers have
been pushed onto the stack, we're going from the last parm
backwards. So i in this FOR loop gives us the real parm#
starting from zero.
dup $ FF00 and
IF \ it's floating
1 ++> #fparms
drop 2 \ an FP parm is always 8 bytes = 2 cells
mask 2 >> $ C000 or -> mask \ mask 2 dummy GPRs here
mask 1 >> -> mask \ normal GPR cell - no mask bit
++> #parm_cells
( result-info )
dup $ FF00 and
IF \ PPC result is floating - so no integer result
1 -> #fres drop 0
THEN \ otherwise there's no floating result
-> #res_cells \ number of result integer cells
defined? \ get library name
NIF abort" library name not defined" THEN
-> ^lib
^lib 2- w@ $ BF0B <> abort" that must be a library name"
>in @ -> sv_in
\ now, if we've already defined it as an EXTERN and it's currently
\ FINDable, we don't need to define it again here.
IF 2- w@ $ BF01 = ?EXIT
ELSE drop
sv_in >in !
header $ BF01 codeW, \ $BF01 = handler code for syscall/extern
#parm_cells codeC, \ 1 byte # parm cells
#res_cells codeC, \ 1 byte # result cells
#fparms codeC, \ 1 byte # FP parms (in FPRs)
#fres codeC, \ 1 byte # FP results (in FPRs)
mask codeW,
DP nilP , \ put nilP in data area - means not resolved yet
relocCode, \ and reloc pointer to there in code area
^lib relocCode, \ and reloc ptr to lib
sv_in >in ! \ now we have to get the name again, case-sensitively
add_case_sensitive_name \ this time, and just add it to the code area. We'll
\ use this when we resolve the symbol.
\ ====================== LIBCALL ======================
0 value #parm_cells \ these values are used by declare_call
0 value #fparms \ which handles shared library entries.
0 value #fres \ We set them here, but they'll be ignored
0 value mask \ unless we're processing a declare_call.
0 value #res_cells
0 value lib_addr
: (find_lib) { xt dummy \ addr procInfo -- }
xt 2- w@ $ BF0B <> ?EXIT \ out if this isn't a library
true -> endTrav?
xt -> lib_addr
: find_lib
0 -> lib_addr
['] (find_lib) 0 trav ;
: 1parm
firstChr & % =
IF \ it's floating
1 ++> #fparms
mask 2 >> $ C000 or -> mask \ mask 2 dummy GPRs here
2 \ an FP parm is always 8 bytes = 2 cells
mask 1 >> -> mask \ normal GPR cell - no mask bit
1 \ an integer parm is 1 cell
++> #parm_cells
: gobble_to_}
firstChr & } <>
Mword drop
: LIBCALL { \ sv_in -- }
0 -> #parm_cells 0 -> #fparms 0 -> #fres 0 -> mask
0 -> #res_cells
>in @ -> sv_in
\ now, if we've already defined it as an LIBCALL and it's currently
\ FINDable, we don't need to define it again here, but just skip
\ to }.
IF 2- w@ $ BF01 =
IF gobble_to_} EXIT THEN
ELSE drop
sv_in >in !
header $ BF010000 code, \ $BF01 = handler code for syscall/libcall
\ Note, we have to leave CDP aligned so Mword ... firstChr will
\ work! We subtract 2 back off CDP below.
Mword drop firstChr & { <> ?error 218
BEGIN \ Loop to process parms
Mword drop firstChr & - <> \ look for --
firstChr & } = ?error 111
\ Finally we'll gobble input until }. But we also need to check
\ if a % comes first, as that's the way we declare a floating
\ result for declare_call. If we don't get a %, we assume an
\ integer result.
Mword drop firstChr & % =
IF 1 -> #fres
ELSE firstChr & } <> negate \ no result -> 0
\ otherwise -> 1
-> #res_cells \ number of integer result cells
\ Now, what's the last-defined library?
lib_addr 0= ?error 217 \ LIBRARY must be declared earlier
2 --> CDP
#parm_cells codeC, \ 1 byte # parm cells
#res_cells codeC, \ 1 byte # result cells
#fparms codeC, \ 1 byte # FP parms (in FPRs)
#fres codeC, \ 1 byte # FP results (in FPRs)
mask codeW,
DP nilP , \ put nilP in data area - means not resolved yet
relocCode, \ and reloc pointer to there in code area
lib_addr relocCode, \ and reloc ptr to lib
sv_in >in ! \ now we have to get the name again, case-sensitively
add_case_sensitive_name \ this time, and just add it to the code area. We'll
\ use this when we resolve the symbol.
\ ====================== :ENTRY ======================
(* We use :ENTRY for the exported entry points for a shared library.
:ENTRY is rather like :, but sets the entry? flag because the named
parms can go into different regs. It also gets a different handler
code ($BE05) so that any callers will know about the different
parameter rules, and also so we can TRAV for exported entries at PEF
time to set up the exported symbols.
(* ***** now in zObjInit.
:ppc_code :entry_code
rOSSP -256 rOSSP stwu,
RTOC 20 rOSSP stw,
r13 100 rOSSP stw,
r14 104 rOSSP stw,
r15 108 rOSSP stw,
r16 112 rOSSP stw,
r17 116 rOSSP stw,
r18 120 rOSSP stw,
r19 124 rOSSP stw,
r13 104 rTOC lwz,
r14 108 rTOC lwz,
r15 112 rTOC lwz,
r16 116 rTOC lwz,
r17 120 rTOC lwz,
r18 124 rTOC lwz,
r19 128 rTOC lwz,
:ppc_code ;entry_code
r13 100 rOSSP lwz,
r14 104 rOSSP lwz,
r15 108 rOSSP lwz,
r16 112 rOSSP lwz,
r17 116 rOSSP lwz,
r18 120 rOSSP lwz,
r19 124 rOSSP lwz,
rOSSP 0 rOSSP lwz, \ take down frame
***** *)
: :ENTRY { \ sv_in -- }
>in @ -> sv_in
$ BF0C0000 code, \ marker for case sensitive name
sv_in >in ! \ now we have to get the name again
\ for a normal colon-style header
postpone :
true -> entry?
false -> leaf? \ :entry never uses our leaf call protocol
$ BE05 latest name> 2- w!
drop 307 \ use our own security marker
; immediate
307 ?defn
300 postpone ;
4 --> CDP \ delete the blr
['] ;entry_code 2+ CDP 36 aligned_move
36 ++> CDP
['] :entry_code 2+
72 aligned_move
; immediate